Titelbild: Amazon Prime Instant Video in Österreich und im Ausland nutzen

Amazon Prime Instant Video in Österreich und im Ausland nutzen

Der Streamingdienst Amazon Prime Instant Video ist nun der nächste Online-Videoservice, der zwar in Deutschland ein breites Angebot hat, dieses aber nicht über die Grenze nach Österreich kommen lassen möchte (oder kann).

Windows: Inhalt von PHP-Dateien durchsuchen

Wer PHP-Scripts schreibt, ändert von Zeit zu Zeit einige Funktionen. Gegebenenfalls ändert sich auch durch einen Versionssprung von PHP eine Funktion beziehungsweise wird nicht mehr unterstützt.

Change the Shortcuts in your Windows File Open Dialog on Windows

Whenever you open or save a file, Windows prompts a predefined dialog. On the left hand-side, the so called Places Bar shows 5 places on your computer. By default, these included places like recently viewed places, your libraries.

How to open Computer instead of Libraries on Windows 8 and 8.1

Windows 8 brings a lot of improvements. But some of us just like some things how they used to be. I never really found a good way to use the Libraries feature of Windows. However, the My Computer Window may be of some more use to me.

How to save battery life on the HTC One by changing a few settings

As the HTC One is my daily driver, battery life is important for me. With about an hour of calls and some browsing on the internet, I expect it to last at least one full day. And well, with some minor changes you can increase your battery life.

How to unlock a Bootloader and flash a Factory Image on a Nexus Devices

Google Nexus devices are great for devices when it comes to updates or resetting the devices after something went wrong. The factory images are zip files containing all you need to recover your nexus phone or tablet back pure stock android.

Dreamweaver adding new lines unintentionally - Quick clean [How To]

When loading a file from a server dreamweaver sometimes adds a single new line to each existing line of code or even empty lines. This happens due to problems with your tranfer type between Windows and Linux.

How to: Export Images from Word 2007/2010 in full quality

There is a short and easy way to export images in full quality from Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 (and possibly all other versions) by saving your word document as a HTML Document. In the export folder, you will find the image files.

Titelbild: PHP - VIES VAT number validation (European VAT-ID)

PHP - VIES VAT number validation (European VAT-ID)

If you are hosting a webshop or any admin system with B2B clients, you might be also collecting VAT-IDs of your commercial clients. Usually you would like them to enter valid ids. Moreover, for legal reasons, you have to check this number in certain cases. Lets automate this step!